We offer many different apple varieties that we can prepare sliced, diced, cored, mixed with fruit or packaged with caramel.
Choosing your cataloupe diced, sliced, or chunked may be your toughest option. With our complete line of fruit, we are able to offer this amazing melon in mixed packs with pineapple, grapes, and honeydew.
Red or Green, we have a unique list of combinations to offer, from mixed fruit cups with pineapple and strawberries to a simple fruit cup filled with fresh, cleaned grapes.
Fruit Never Looked Sooo Good~
At CFE, we deliver the highest quality cut fruits because we start with the best and pay attention to quality throughout the process from selection to packaging and delivery:
To start, we use only fruit that meets our high standards for color, appearance, texture, and sweetness.
After a visual inspection, we use analysis to select only fruit with a sugar content of 10-13%.
The sweetness, flavor, color, and appearance are maintained through processing and storage. We maintain quality by applying appropriate packaging technology and maintaining the cold chain from receiving through delivery to the customer.
Once it is cut, the succulent fruit is packaged in rigid containers to prevent mechanical injury and arrive ready to be used, eaten, or stored until needed.
Pineapple cored, sliced, ringed, or chunked is a tantalyzing treat on it's own. We also offer this in a kabob package as well as a papaya and mango mix.
Strawberries on their own are a wonderful treat. But we also pair this fruit with mixed packs including pineapple, honeydew and grapes to name a few.
Cubed, sliced, or wedges we offer this tempting fruit in a variety of packaged options.